The Easiest Way to Talk to Your AI

Activate your local AI with a simple shortcut. Experience real-time assistance in any task—without compromising your privacy or workflow.

As easy as pressing
Ctrl Space

Dont interrupt your workflow

Activate the AI with a simple (ctrl+space) to get instant answers. Stay focused by keeping your current window active, minimizing disruptions to your creative flow.

Compatibility with Multiple Models

Versatile by design, our app supports leading AI models, ensuring you have the best tool for any task.

Privacy first

Enjoy the peace of mind knowing your data and inquiries remain confidential, with all processing done locally on your device.

Works offline.

Reliable AI assistance anytime, anywhere. Perfect for travelers or those in remote locations, ensuring you're never without support, regardless of internet access.

Free & Open-Source

Orac-Interface is free & open-source, the source code can be found on github.


Currently only available on Mac Sillicon, Windows & Linux coming soon.

Stay updated

Stay informed about updates and new releases to ensure you don't miss out.

Installation steps

Orac-Interface is currently compatible with macOS and utilizes Ollama for its operation.
Follow the steps below to get started

  • Download Ollama - Visit the official site to grab the Ollama software.

  • Install a Local LLM - Use the command pull model_name in your terminal.

  • Verify Ollama is Running - Check for the Ollama logo in your top bar to ensure it's up and running.

  • Launch & Access - Start the software and press Ctrl+Space to open the Orac-Interface from anywhere.

Frequently asked questions

Built by achsill
